30+ Pertanyaan Umum Saat Wawancara Kerja di Kapal Pesiar

Wawancara untuk bekerja di kapal pesiar adalah proses di mana calon karyawan diwawancarai oleh perwakilan dari perusahaan pelayaran kapal pesiar. Wawancara ini bertujuan untuk menilai keterampilan, pengalaman, kepribadian, dan kesiapan calon untuk bekerja di lingkungan kapal pesiar yang unik dan seringkali menuntut. Pertanyaan umum wawancara di kapal pesiar dapat mencakup tentang pengalaman kerja sebelumnya, keterampilan spesifik yang relevan, ketahanan dalam menghadapi tantangan, dan komitmen untuk bekerja dalam jadwal yang fleksibel. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi beberapa pertanyaan yang sering diajukan dalam wawancara di kapal pesiar, serta memberikan contoh jawaban yang efektif.

Baca Juga: Bertato dan Bertindik di Kapal Pesiar, Apakah Boleh?

Beberapa Pertanyaan Wawancara di Kapal Pesiar & Contoh Jawabannya

1. Please introduce yourself!

a. My full/complete name is……

b. You can call me……or my nick name is……

c. I was born in (city), on (month, date, year)

d. I am………years old.

e. I am Moslem/Christian/Catholic/Hindu/Buddhist.

f. I am from or I come from (city) in (province).

g. I live in (address).

h. My hobby is…..

i. I am single/married/widow/widower

j. I live together with my parents/brother/sisters and I am the oldest/youngest/first child in my family.

2. What do you know about Carnival Cruise Line?

a. Carnival Cruise Line is one of big cruise lines in the world which has many cruise ships.

b. Carnival Cruise Line is one of good cruise lines in the world which hires many workers from all over the world.

c. Carnival Cruise Line is one of famous cruise lines in the world which takes care of the crews well.

3. What do you expect from us?

a. I expect you to give me a chance to work for your company.

b. I expect that you could give me an opportunity to join your company soon.

4. Tell me why I should hire you to work for my company!

a. Because I am a hard worker, discipline, and responsible.

b. Because I like to work hard, be punctual, and comply the rules.

5. What makes you interested in working on a cruise ship?

a. Because I want to expand my experience.

b. Because I want to work together with the foreigners.

c. Because I want to have an international experience.

d. Because I want to make my parents and proud of me.

e. Because I want to be independent by making money on my own.

f. Because I want my family to have a better life

g. Because I want have a better future.

h. Because I want my children to have a better education.

i. Because I want to make my dreams come true.

j. Because I want to earn much money and go around the world.

k. Because I want to have a good salary to help my parents in economic side.

6. What have you prepared to have this interview?

I have prepared my English, skill and documents.

7. What kind of documents do you have?

a. Certificate of work in the hotel

b. Basic safety training

c. Seaman’s book

d. Passport

8. Who do you report to if you get any difficulty at work?

I should report to my supervisor.

9. Why do you have to speak English on cruise ship?

a. Because English is an international language, so I have to speak English to communicate on cruise ship.

b. Because the passengers and the crews are from all over the world, that’s why I need to communicate with them in English.

10. What is the certificate of a hotel for?

It is for a proof that I have ever worked in a certain hotel and got knowledge of the hotel where I worked for.

11. Tell me the detail information about the hotel where you worked for!

a. The name of the hotel is… is located on….

b. There are…..types of rooms such as…..

c. The facilities are (meeting room, restaurant, and public toilet)

d. The color of the building is beige.

e. There are…..staff in Housekeeping Department,……room,…..attendants, and…..supervisor.

f. There are…….shifts.

g. The first shift starts from…… the morning to… the afternoon.

h. The second shift starts from… the afternoon to… the evening.

i. The third shift starts from… the evening to… the morning.

12. How long will you work for my company?

I will work as long as possible.

13. Tell me your weakness!

a. I can’t cook.

b. I can’t play musical instruments.

c. I can’t fall asleep without listening music.

14. What will you do if you could finally join us?

a. I will work hard

b. I will do my best

c. I will compy the rules

d. I will be a good worker

15. What did you have for breakfast?

I had a plate of fried rice/fried chicken/fried egg/omelet and a glass of milk/a glass of mineral water for breakfast this morning.

16. What are you doing here/what makes you come here?

I am going to/I would like to apply for a job as a hotel steward, laundry man, junior engine seafarer, junior deck seafarer, and dish washer.

17. What will you do if you see a small fire?

I will extinguish it with a fire extinguisher then report to the bridge.

18. What did you do just after you graduated from high school?

I worked in a factory

19. Tell me what you are wearing!

I am wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, black trousers, black shoes, a black watch, a golden necklace, a golden ring, a black belt, a stripes tie, and black socks.

20. How much salary do you want to get?

I just follow the standart of the company based on my function.

21. How do you know the information about the job vacancy here?

I knew it from the internet.

22. What did you see on the way here?

I saw many trees, houses, cars, motorcycles, people, rice fields, and high buildings.

23. What is passport for?

Passport is for my identity whenever I visit another country.

24. How long do you get to Jakarta from your hometown?

I need 10 hours to get to Jakarta from my hometown.

25. How did you come to Jakarta?

I came to Jakarta by train/bus/travel/car/plane.

26. How much money have you spent for the ticket?

I spent for hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs for the ticket.

27. What do you like to do on your free time?

I like to watch movies, listen to music, take a walk, play a game, or read some books.

28. Where do you have to go if you want to cut off your hair?

I have to go to the barber shop.

29. Where should you go if you want to buy your mother some flowers on her birthday?

I should go to the florist.

30. What is your hometown like?

My hometown is beautiful, the weather is nice and the people are so friendly.

31. What is Basic Safety Training for?

BST is for a proof that I have passed the safety training at sea.

32. What do you think of a good hotel?

a. A hotel which feels like home.

b. A hotel which has complete facilities.

c. A hotel which give satisfying services.

33. Explain the cuisine or favorite food from your hometown!

For example : The cuisine from Madiun is pecel. Pecel is boiled vegetables which has peanut sauce topping. It usually serves with rice or chips. It taste a bit spicy and good.

34. Give the explanation about favorite or tourism place in your hometown!

For example: The tourism object or favorite place in my hometown is Sarangan. It is a lake which is located at the plateau and surrounded by beautiful landscape. People like to visit it because of its fresh air and cold weather. The visitors can also get kinds of souvenirs and handicrafts there.

35. Describe about your family members!

Tips Persiapan Mental Sebelum Wawancara Kapal Pesiar

  1. Visualisasikan Kesuksesan: Bayangkan diri Anda berbicara dengan percaya diri dan meyakinkan selama wawancara.
  2. Latihan Napas Dalam: Lakukan beberapa latihan pernapasan dalam untuk menenangkan diri sebelum wawancara.
  3. Ingat Poin-Poin Penting: Buat daftar poin-poin penting yang ingin Anda sampaikan selama wawancara dan ingatlah mereka.
  4. Fokus pada Pengalaman Positif: Ingatlah pengalaman atau juga prestasi Anda yang membanggakan untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya diri Anda.
  5. Hindari Pikiran Negatif: Cegah pikiran negatif dengan menggantinya dengan pikiran positif dan juga optimis tentang peluang wawancara.
  6. Praktekkan Jawaban: Latihan jawaban untuk pertanyaan umum wawancara agar Anda lebih siap dan percaya diri.
  7. Percaya Diri: Yakini kemampuan dan potensi Anda. Kepercayaan diri yang kuat akan membantu Anda tampil lebih baik selama wawancara.

Kesimpulan: Pertanyaan Wawancara di Kapal Pesiar

Dengan demikian, wawancara untuk bekerja di kapal pesiar merupakan langkah penting dalam proses penerimaan yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mengevaluasi kecocokan calon karyawan dengan lingkungan kerja yang di kapal pesiar. Dengan mempersiapkan diri untuk pertanyaan umum yang sering diajukan dan memberikan jawaban yang efektif, maka calon karyawan dapat meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk berhasil melewati tahap wawancara dan memulai karier yang memuaskan di industri kapal pesiar.

Yuk, Jadi Kru Kapal Pesiar Profesional!

Tertarik menjadi seorang pelaut?

Yuk! Wujudkan impian menjelajahi lautan dunia sebagai seorang kru kapal pesiar profesional! menghadirkan platform pelaut yang menjamin penempatan di kapal pesiar internasional.

Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk menjadi bagian dari industri maritim yang menarik ini. Untuk itu, CV-Gen telah membuka pendaftaran untuk posisi kru kapal pesiar yang menarik di seluruh dunia. Kemudian, dengan mengunjungi Pelaut CVGEN, Anda akan memiliki akses ke berbagai peluang karir yang menantang dan mengasyikkan.

CVGEN dan layanan peluang kerja ke kapal pesiar dunia. Layanan termasuk pelatihan, dokumen kepelautan, STCW, diklat, dan juga tidak perlu cari kapal. Kemudian, yang paling penting, yaitu interview pihak perusahaan kapal pesiar datang langsung ke sekolah.

CVGEN dan layanan asrama bahasa inggris juga bekerjasama dengan kampung Inggris Pare. Asrama bahasa Jerman termasuk pemantapan bahasa Inggris dari nol sampai bisa conversation, lulus marlin test, atau lulus TOEFL dan IELTS sesuai target program ke negara maju.

Maka dari itu, bergabunglah dengan ribuan profesional maritim terampil dan berbakat yang telah memilih CV-Gen sebagai mitra karir mereka.

Kemudian, jika anda membutuhkan Jasa membuat CV atau ingin otomatis membuat CV gratis ke PDF dari Website, langsung saja ke Resume CVGEN.